Thursday, November 17, 2011


Have you ever had those weeks or days that just completely lay you flat on your face and make you feel awful? Well it has been one of those weeks for me. Michael and I have been making pretty good headway with all the wedding plans, but have pretty much put them on hold until the end of the month and after my best friend has her wedding. But even with this I have felt extremely discouraged and out of place.

Between family issues, wedding mishaps (even with the planning on the back burner), preparing for student teaching attempting to budget, working, school, graduate credit and extra projects...oh and trying to hang out with Michael in between all of this. As well, he has had a rough few weeks. Between his grandma's increasing health issues, working 35-40 hours a week, trying to keep me sane and not crying, school and student teaching preparation. With all of this being said, it has been a really rough past few weeks.

However, today I have realized how much I truly do complain and focus on my first-world issues and i want to stop... or at least tone it down a bit. I need to not let me emotions control me so much all of the time. For anyone that knows me, I am VERY emotionally driven, and that isn't a bad thing if it is controlled. Sometimes its just needed to get this stuff off your chest and write it down.

PS. Thanks for listening :)

Coming Soon Wedding Post: Save the Dates and Guest Book!